With the number of businesses and services readily available on the internet, the demands of consumers are becoming more specific, and service standards are higher than ever. Competitors are growing in number and constantly finding ways to reach their target audience more effectively. Nowadays, marketing strategies based on the average Joe simply won’t work because […]
A DMA Insight report says 99% of email users check their email every day. Salesforce also found that 84% of consumers appreciate being treated like real human beings, not just numbers in reports. What do these statistics mean? Consumers like to feel valued and important. By definition, email segmentation is a technique used by marketers […]
When you download a new app on your phone, regardless if it’s for social media, photography, or news, one of the first things they ask you to do is to enable push notifications. This popular trend in the smartphone scene has been making rounds on desktop websites as well, as browsers have now integrated with […]
Email remains a strong driver of marketing mileage. With email, you have a way of distributing your content, ads, and promotional updates straight into your customers’ inbox. Since the open rate of email is quite high at 46% on mobile, you’re sure that people are made aware of your marketing messages. Email also has a […]
Engaging modern consumers is a difficult job. These days, consumers use the Internet to find anything and everything they need. This is why having a functional and appealing website is so important. If a business sells goods on their website, then keeping it from crashing should be a top priority. Most business owners abide by […]
In today’s digital age, it seems that the world never sleeps. As such, massive amounts of data are collected every minute of every day. In fact, more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day, and that number will only grow bigger. From tracking your online content consumption and search engine queries to […]
The past few years have been opportune times for mobile marketing. Since mobile device usage surpassed desktops in 2016, online marketers have chosen to maximize their efforts on the platform. How could they not, when stats show that consumers now spend more than five hours a day on their smartphones? It’s the perfect channel to […]
Content marketing has been around for over a hundred years. However, it becomes widely mainstream with the rise of the Internet age. Brands started incorporating online content marketing tactics to elevate their campaigns, mainly on social media since these networks serve as an excellent space for distributing content. Modern content marketing aims and remains to […]
How much content can you post on your blog? The answer is “A lot!”. However, this doesn’t mean that any content is good content. And what about timing? You need your content to be seen by many, to be taken into account. Which means that it needs to be following some trends, right? Wrong! Your […]
Undoubtedly, one of the best foundations on which to build your personal relationship with customers is email, as 99% of consumers check their email daily. Meanwhile, roughly 40% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are most vital to their content marketing success. So, yes, email certainly remains to be a valuable and worthwhile marketing strategy. […]